SDS 366

Data Visualization in R

This is the home page for SDS 366, Data Visualization in R. All course materials will be posted on this site.

Instructor: Claus O. Wilke
Meeting times: TTH 5:00pm to 6:30pm
Venue: FAC 21
Syllabus: click here
Upcoming lectures and assignments: click here

Computing requirements

For students enrolled in this course, you only need a working web browser to access the edupod server, located at:

If you are using the edupod server, stop reading here. Everything is pre-installed and no further action is needed.

To run any of the materials locally on your own machine, you will need the following:

  • A recent version of R, download from here.
  • A recent version of RStudio, download from here, OR a recent version of Positron, download from here.
  • The following R packages:
    broom, cluster, colorspace, cowplot, gapminder, GGally, gganimate, ggiraph, ggdendro, ggdist, ggforce, ggplot2movies, ggrepel, ggridges, ggthemes, gifski, glue, knitr, learnr, naniar, margins, MASS, Matrix, nycflights13, palmerpenguins, patchwork, quarto, rmarkdown, rnaturalearth, rnaturalearthhires, scales, sf, sp, tidyverse, transformr, tsne, umap

You can install all required R packages at once by running the following code in the R command line:

# first run this command:
    "broom", "cluster", "colorspace", "cowplot", "gapminder", 
    "GGally", "gganimate", "ggiraph", "ggdendro", "ggdist", "ggforce",
    "ggplot2movies", "ggrepel", "ggridges", "ggthemes", "gifski", "glue",
    "knitr", "learnr", "naniar", "margins", "MASS", "Matrix",
    "nycflights13", "palmerpenguins", "patchwork", "quarto", "rmarkdown",
    "rnaturalearth", "scales", "sf", "sp", "tidyverse",
    "transformr", "tsne", "umap"

# then run this command:
  "rnaturalearthhires", repos = "", type = "source"