Color spaces and color-vision deficiency

Claus O. Wilke


How does a computer represent color?

The RGB color space

red R (0-255):
  amount of red light

green G (0-255):
  amount of green light

blue B (0-255):
  amount of blue light

R G B hex code      color     
0 0 0 #000000
255 255 255 #FFFFFF
255 0 0 #FF0000
0 255 255 #00FFFF
128 128 128 #808080
0 158 115 #009E73

The RGB color space


Most people cannot reason well about the RGB color space

The HSV color space

hue H (0-360):
  hue of the color

saturation S (0-1):
  colorfulness relative to the brightness
  of the color

value V (0-1):
  subjective perception of amount
  of light emitted


The HSV color space


Problem: Color changes in non-intuitive ways with saturation and value

The HLS color space

hue H (0-360):
  hue of the color

lightness L (0-1):
  brightness relative to the brightness
  of a similarly illuminated white

saturation S (0-1):
  colorfulness relative to the brightness
  of the color


The HLS color space


Problem: For high saturation, perceived lightness changes with hue

The Luv color space

luminance L (0-100):
  amount of light emitted

green/red axis u (approx. -100 to 100):
  amount of green vs. red

blue/yellow axis v (approx. -100 to 100):
  amount of blue vs. yellow


The Luv space in polar coordinates: HCL

hue H (0-360):
  hue of the color

luminance L (0-100):
  amount of light emitted

chroma C ():
  colorfulness of the color


The HCL color space: Hue-Chroma plane


The HCL color space: Luminance-Chroma plane


Explore HCL colors interactively

We can explore HCL colors from R


We can explore HCL colors from R

The app is also available on the class website

A few considerations when choosing colors

1. Avoid high chroma

High chroma: Toys

Low chroma: Elegance

2. Be aware of color-vision deficiency

5%–8% of men are color blind!

Red-green color-vision deficiency is the most common

2. Be aware of color-vision deficiency

5%–8% of men are color blind!

Blue-green color-vision deficiency is rare but does occur

2. Be aware of color-vision deficiency

Choose colors that can be distinguished with CVD

Consider using the Okabe-Ito scale

Name Hex code    R, G, B (0-255)
orange #E69F00 230, 159, 0
sky blue #56B4E9 86, 180, 233
bluish green #009E73 0, 158, 115
yellow #F0E442 240, 228, 66
blue #0072B2 0, 114, 178
vermilion #D55E00 213, 94, 0
reddish purple #CC79A7 204, 121, 167
black #000000 0, 0, 0

CVD is worse for thin lines and tiny dots

When in doubt, run CVD simulations


Further reading