In this project, you will be working with a dataset about the members of Himalayan expeditions:

members <- readr::read_csv('')

## # A tibble: 76,519 × 21
##    expedition_id member_id    peak_id peak_name   year season sex     age
##    <chr>         <chr>        <chr>   <chr>      <dbl> <chr>  <chr> <dbl>
##  1 AMAD78301     AMAD78301-01 AMAD    Ama Dablam  1978 Autumn M        40
##  2 AMAD78301     AMAD78301-02 AMAD    Ama Dablam  1978 Autumn M        41
##  3 AMAD78301     AMAD78301-03 AMAD    Ama Dablam  1978 Autumn M        27
##  4 AMAD78301     AMAD78301-04 AMAD    Ama Dablam  1978 Autumn M        40
##  5 AMAD78301     AMAD78301-05 AMAD    Ama Dablam  1978 Autumn M        34
##  6 AMAD78301     AMAD78301-06 AMAD    Ama Dablam  1978 Autumn M        25
##  7 AMAD78301     AMAD78301-07 AMAD    Ama Dablam  1978 Autumn M        41
##  8 AMAD78301     AMAD78301-08 AMAD    Ama Dablam  1978 Autumn M        29
##  9 AMAD79101     AMAD79101-03 AMAD    Ama Dablam  1979 Spring M        35
## 10 AMAD79101     AMAD79101-04 AMAD    Ama Dablam  1979 Spring M        37
## # ℹ 76,509 more rows
## # ℹ 13 more variables: citizenship <chr>, expedition_role <chr>, hired <lgl>,
## #   highpoint_metres <dbl>, success <lgl>, solo <lgl>, oxygen_used <lgl>,
## #   died <lgl>, death_cause <chr>, death_height_metres <dbl>, injured <lgl>,
## #   injury_type <chr>, injury_height_metres <dbl>

More information about the dataset can be found at and


You can delete these instructions from your project. Please also delete text such as Your approach here or # Q1: Your R code here.

Question 1: Your question 1 here.

Question 2: Your question 2 here.

Introduction: Your introduction here.

Approach: Your approach here.


# Q1: Your R code here
# Q2: Your R code here

Discussion: Your discussion of results here.