In-class worksheet 13

March 5, 2019

In this worksheet, we will use the libraries tidyverse, plotROC, and ggthemes:

theme_set(theme_bw(base_size=12)) # set default ggplot2 theme

1. Working with training and test data sets

We continue working with the biopsy data set:

biopsy <- read_csv("")
## Parsed with column specification:
## cols(
##   clump_thickness = col_integer(),
##   uniform_cell_size = col_integer(),
##   uniform_cell_shape = col_integer(),
##   marg_adhesion = col_integer(),
##   epithelial_cell_size = col_integer(),
##   bare_nuclei = col_integer(),
##   bland_chromatin = col_integer(),
##   normal_nucleoli = col_integer(),
##   mitoses = col_integer(),
##   outcome = col_character()
## )
biopsy$outcome <- factor(biopsy$outcome) # make outcome a factor

The following code splits the biopsy data set into a random training and test set:

train_fraction <- 0.4 # fraction of data for training purposes
set.seed(126)  # set the seed to make the partition reproductible
train_size <- floor(train_fraction * nrow(biopsy)) # number of observations in training set
train_indices <- sample(1:nrow(biopsy), size = train_size)

train_data <- biopsy[train_indices, ] # get training data
test_data <- biopsy[-train_indices, ] # get test data

Fit a logistic regression model on the training data set, then predict the outcome on the test data set, and plot the resulting ROC curves. Limit the x-axis range from 0 to 0.15 to zoom into the ROC curve. (Hint: Do not use coord_fixed().)

# model to use: 
# outcome ~ clump_thickness + uniform_cell_size + uniform_cell_shape

# Your R code goes here.

2. Area under the ROC curves

You can calculate the areas under the ROC curves by running calc_auc() on a plot generated with geom_roc() (see previous worksheet). Use this function to calculate the area under the training and test curve for the model outcome ~ clump_thickness. For this exercise, generate a new set of training and test datasets with a different fraction of training data from before.

# Your R code goes here.

3. If this was easy

Write code that combines the AUC values calculated by calc_auc() with the correct group names and orders the output in descending order of AUC. (Hint: We have seen similar code in the previous worksheet.)

# Your R code goes here.

Write code that generates an arbitrary number of random subdivisions of the data into training and test sets, fits a given model, calculates the area under the curve for each test data set, and then calculates the average and standard deviation of these values.

# Your R code goes here.