Theme element that enables markdown text.
element_markdown( family = NULL, face = NULL, size = NULL, colour = NULL, fill = NULL, box.colour = NULL, linetype = NULL, linewidth = NULL, hjust = NULL, vjust = NULL, halign = NULL, valign = NULL, angle = NULL, lineheight = NULL, margin = NULL, padding = NULL, r = NULL, color = NULL, box.color = NULL, align_widths = NULL, align_heights = NULL, rotate_margins = NULL, debug = FALSE, inherit.blank = FALSE )
family | Font family |
face | Font face |
size | Font size |
colour, color | Text color |
fill | Fill color of the enclosing box |
box.colour, box.color | Line color of the enclosing box (if different from the text color) |
linetype | Line type of the enclosing box (like |
linewidth | Line width of the enclosing box (measured in mm, just like |
hjust | Horizontal justification |
vjust | Vertical justification |
halign | Horizontal justification |
valign | Vertical justification |
angle | Angle (in degrees) |
lineheight | Line height |
padding, margin | Padding and margins around the text box.
See |
r | Unit value specifying the corner radius of the box |
align_widths, align_heights | Should multiple elements be aligned by their
widths or height? See |
rotate_margins | Should margins get rotated in frame with rotated text?
If |
debug | Draw a debugging box around each label |
inherit.blank | See |
A ggplot2 theme element that can be used inside a ggplot2::theme()