posit::conf(2024): Effective Data Visualization with ggplot2

Materials for posit::conf(2024) workshop, Monday, Aug. 12, 9am

To run all code examples on your own install of R, make sure you have a recent version of R (at least 4.3), a recent version of ggplot2 (at least 3.5.0), and install the following packages:

    "tidyverse", "palmerpenguins", "shiny", "shinyjs", "RCurl",
    "colorspace", "cowplot", "gapminder", "sf", "ragg",
    "magick", "ggpattern", "quarto"

Solutions to the problems in the exercise worksheets are provided, but you should not look at these solutions before the workshop and before you have made an honest attempt at completing an exercise on your own.

1. Color scales and color spaces

2. Plot design with themes and axes

3. Sprucing up your legends

4. Gradient and pattern fills


Text and figures are licensed under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY 4.0. Any computer code (R, HTML, CSS, etc.) in slides and worksheets, including in slide and worksheet sources, is also licensed under MIT.